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Reading, The Way to Dominate The World

Why did i write ‘reading the way to dominate the world’?  Because we can get anything we want, by reading. Absolutely not directly way to get them, but after we had anyknowledge, we can transform them to get our want. For example, in the past, we loved reading, we knew anything in this world, being genius, we can work in anyplace and anyjob, because of our intellegency.

Reading, not only reading books, is the key of knowledge. Are you belief that? Reading comic, reading magazine, reading adult story? Is it can increase our intellegency? I don’t think so. Reading, is not only reading a book or a newspaper, but reading must be useful, make me understand something. We can read  articles on web or other sources.

Are reading that need long time can make us more understand? Are reading thousands of pages can make us understand anything? No, those just will make me bored and get headcache.

So, the most important of reading is read effectively.

How to read effectively? Read the tips below.

Make little notes

  You read in order to get knowledge, didn’t you? So, you must sure that the knowledge had entered your brain. Summarize after reading, wite anything that you remember.

Make some questions

  After reading, you must try to answer some questions. Doing this in order to test your understanding. You didn’t want if you had spent long time to read but you didn’t get anyknowledge, did you? Check your intellency by answering questions.

Remember the important words

  Some text have some difficult words or strange words. Use them to be keyword of your remembering section.

Have fun when reading

  Reading must be fun and sincere, but sometime we have no good mood to read, and make us bored. So, we must find way to make our reading enjoy. 
How to enjoy your reading
Imagine your book

  Imagine your books become films, foods, etc. If you feel  the book is something that you like, you will get your mood.


  Some of you have favourite things, like smells, sounds, or view. So, callback your mood by doing anything that make inspirising. For example, artist or authors have some favourite place, there, they can write or draw great. But, in other place, they can’t. Because of difference of atmosphere. In favourite place, we can read relaxly.




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